Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Quick! Raise your hand if you think that today would be this emotional if McCain had won the election! Now take that hand and slap it across your face, because you're retarded.

But seriously folks, I attended the campus viewing of President Barack Obama's inauguration today in Sproul Plaza. Even though my view was obscured by a tree and three tall men, I managed to take in the full spectrum of emotions both on the viewing screen and all around me. Even if you don't like Obama, it is hard not to be impressed by the sheer force of what you have just witnessed. More so, perhaps, for those of us in Sproul Plaza this morning, as it literally got warmer and brighter when Obama appeared on the screen. I, for one, had a great time watching history unfold in front of me. Here's to four years of peace, progress and prosperity.

Welcome to the new age.

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