Now, you must be thinking that this looks familiar. I promise you it has nothing to do with a similar situation involving a Federalist and the Bill of Rights detailed in this very strip just a few days ago. Absolutely nothing.
Anyway, the meaning behind this totally original concept is that my Chem GSI screwed up my grade when she was recording the scores for our last lab report. She apparently recorded that I had gotten a 3.5/8 (!) when I had really gotten a 5.5/8. This may seem like grubbing, but hey. I've got a feeling I'm going to need every single point I earn by the end of the semester.
More Spring Training games today. The New York Mets suck less, it seems. They've got guys who hit grand slams. Unfortunately, they've also got pitchers who give up grand slams... to other pitchers. So looks like they need to remember that half of the game rests on the dude on the mound.
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