"I'm sure glad I didn't go to USC! I just wouldn't have felt safe there."
Errr... this comic isn't that good, but it explains the kind of week I have in store. Tomorrow, I have a Classics midterm at 10 AM and a Chem midterm at 6:30 PM. These events are represented by the aging senator-assassin and the guy with caustic chemicals, respectively. On Friday, I have a Math midterm at high noon. This is represented by the third thug, who appears to want to rape me. Not to mention I need to read more of the Federalist Papers and do homework for other classes. Also, I had my second bloody nose in as many months last night. Not fun. And I lost an hour thanks to Daylight Savings. Life is pretty much not fun right now. But I'm a winner, so I'll survive. Unless I have a stroke or something.
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